Home > TOGGLE CLAMPS > Pneumatic swing clamps > No. 6829W Swing Clamp with welding protection, pneumatic
Size right swinging left swinging F3
91579 25 - 0.2 326
92361 25 - 0.2 326
91595 32 - 0.3 537
92387 32 - 0.3 537
91611 40 - 0.6 680
92445 40 - 0.6 680
91637 50 - 0.9 1160
92460 50 - 0.9 1160
91652 63 - 1.4 1520
92478 63 - 1.4 1520

Suitable proximity switches for end-position monitoring are available using order no. 392241. Design: PUR cable 0.3 m with M8 plug connection and rotating knurled nuts. Switching function: NOC. Output: PNP. Operate only with lubricated air.

Size dia. D
dia. D1 F G H H1 H2 H3 H4 I J L L1 N N1 dia. O R dia. W Piston dia. Y Clamping stroke* Stroke
91579 25 23 5.5 32.0 29 95.5 139.0 73.0 6.5 27.0 14 16 40 5.0 10.0 12.5 8.3 M5 12 25 10 19.5
92361 25 23 5.5 32.0 29 95.5 139.0 73.0 6.5 27.0 14 16 40 5.0 10.0 12.5 8.3 M5 12 25 10 19.5
91595 32 30 5.5 45.0 34 113.0 168.0 80.0 9.0 34.5 18 22 45 4.5 14.5 16.5 10.5 G1/8 16 32 10 25.0
92387 32 30 5.5 45.0 34 113.0 168.0 80.0 9.0 34.5 18 22 45 4.5 14.5 16.5 10.5 G1/8 16 32 10 25.0
91611 40 30 5.5 45.0 40 114.0 173.0 80.0 9.0 34.5 22 22 52 5.0 17.5 22.0 10.5 G1/8 16 40 10 25.0
92445 40 30 5.5 45.0 40 114.0 173.0 80.0 9.0 34.5 22 22 52 5.0 17.5 22.0 10.5 G1/8 16 40 10 25.0
91637 50 37 6.6 65.0 50 149.4 227.9 101.5 11.0 39.0 25 25 64 6.0 20.0 23.0 12.5 G1/4 20 50 20 39.0
92460 50 37 6.6 65.0 50 149.4 227.9 101.5 11.0 39.0 25 25 64 6.0 20.0 23.0 12.5 G1/4 20 50 20 39.0
91652 63 47 6.6 72.5 60 152.9 231.4 104.0 9.0 35.0 25 25 77 7.0 28.0 33.0 12.5 G1/4 20 63 20 39.0
92478 63 47 6.6 72.5 60 152.9 231.4 104.0 9.0 35.0 25 25 77 7.0 28.0 33.0 12.5 G1/4 20 63 20 39.0
* Swing clamps may only be loaded during the clamping stroke Y.